The Supreme Sacrifice Memorial

The Supreme Sacrifice Memorial is dedicated to the Rahway Veterans of War, who served in the Armed Forces of the United States, and who gave their lives and shed blood for their country. The photographs and names have been installed to commemorate these service men, and stand as an important testament to the many from Rahway who have died during the four conflicts. It is with great honor that we acknowledge their service and sacrifice to our country. This memorial lists the names and dates of the deceased, their photos and military branches, as well as all of the parks, fields, and streets that have been named throughout Rahway in honor of these Veterans. Join Us For The Memorial Ceremony: There will be a Memorial Ceremony at 1:30PM, across from City Hall on Main Street, in honor of the Veterans of Rahway who lost their lives in the four conflicts - WWI, WWII, Korean War and Viet Nam. The City will once again display the “Supreme Sacrifice” Memorial at the event, and will be joined by the JR ROTC.